So. I’m slowly but surely (I hope) developing my business. I can’t quite make a living yet, but I think I might get there within a year or so.
One of the things my mentors keep asking me to do, is to get to know my customers or potential customers better, before I expand into new ventures (I have so many ideas, you guys, and I really need to know what to focus on if I’m to get anything done).
So, I need your help.Will you help me?
You can help me by taking your time to fill out this questionnaire. And please – only click on that link if you really want to reply. I have a limited replies account, so it will close when we hit the max.
Thank you so much for your help! Find the questionnaire H E R E!
Brug Google Docs, når du skal lave en survey en anden gang. Der er ingen begrænsninger, og det virker super.
Done, goodluck Maria!
I just gave the survey but I forgot to add 2 other important blogs – for sharing sewing techniques
1. Tasia’s Sewaholic
2. Colette’s blog
Hej Maria,
Hyggeligt at møde dig i dag i Stof & Stil!! Skønt at møde en ligesindet ;-) Dejlig blog du har, og glæder mig til at udforske den mere i detaljer.
Tak for datoerne til Sycafe.
Vi ses, mvh Charlotte
Thank you so much, all! Thank you for your time and for lovely comments!