IG: #wardrobesewing2017 Sew for your own wardrobe! This is the year! In 2017 I want to build (well, sew) a wardrobe that works for me. I want to sew for me instead of sewing for dress forms. And I want to wear the clothes I sew. Do you feel the same way? If that is...
I am going on vacation! Yes. 3 weeks in the sun (or, I suspect, I’ll mostly be hiding under the umbrella, but still…)! I’ve written before (in a newsletter, I think, since I can’t seem to find this article in a blogpost) on how I pack for a...
Today is Valentines Day. And what better day to look into what men are attracted to, when it comes to what we wear. I’m not saying you should dress for men! Really. You should dress for you. And for you to feel great about yourself. But you know, some days (and...