What a week- What a week-end! We had a fabulous party for Dennis’ s 40th this Saturday (and my son had his DJ’ing debut <very proud mom>)

Not much sewing, but a bit of knitting – more about that later.

Anyway. ME-Made-May 2012 has begun!

On May 1st, there weren’t any red flags around me, I had to work all day, teaching, of course, and several school related meetings. I made it home for a couple of hours in the afternoon before leaving again, and Rasmus took this picture:

{In the garden, sneaking in a little fresh air between meetings}

I wore navy dotted kimono tee (Me-made, first version of my pattern), flared jeans (H&M) and lovely and very comfortable heels (Ecco). I also wore a jacket at some of the meetings.


On May 2nd we still had lovely spring weather, but it is chilly in the morning. I had teaching to do and another meeting – but I had a long lunch break and went thrift shopping. I found some nice slips and a shirt and top – all costing about 2€ each. I got this lousy Iphone pic:

{Thrift shopping during lunch break}

This is my first version of ONION 2026 – one of my favourite patterns. I made it something like 4 years ago, I think. It’s a bit short (I didn’t have enough fabric), but I wore it with tights and ballerina flats – both from H&M (loving this sunny weather).

Are you doing Me-Made-May? I’d love it if you left a link to where I can see your outfits in the comments!

And P.S: There is a new episode of the Twin Needle Podcast up. And we have a brand new blog, as well…